Connecticut College Campus

2025 Alumni Award Nominations

We invite you to nominate a fellow alum for the Connecticut College 2025 Reunion Alumni Awards. Help us celebrate notable alumni for their service to Connecticut College or distinguished personal and professional accomplishments.
Alumni Award Descriptions
The Mach Arom '89 Award
The Mach Arom '89 Award honors young alumni for service to Connecticut College and for distinguished achievements in their professional field or in society. The award is named in honor of Mach Arom who died of a heart attack in Rwanda while on a humanitarian mission for the International Rescue Committee. Mach is remembered for his service to his class and Connecticut College and the ways in which he carried out everything he did with intense commitment, strong presence, attention to detail and unbelievable energy.

The Agnes Berkeley Leahy Award
The Agnes Berkeley Leahy Award, established in 1961, honors alumni who have contributed outstanding service, demonstrated by continued interest in the Alumni Association and sustained active participation in class, club or Board of Directors activities. Agnes Berkeley Leahy '21 served as president of the Alumni Association Board of Directors twice and was a member of the Board of Trustees for ten years.

The Harriet Buescher Lawrence '34 Prize
The Harriet Buescher Lawrence '34 Prize recognizes alumni who are leaders in improving society or inspiring others for good, either through direct service or through changing the climate of human life materially, socially, ethically or spiritually. Harriet Buescher Lawrence spent the last years of her life increasingly involved with charitable activities and in support of higher education.

The Goss Award
The Goss Award recognizes alumni who, through their enthusiastic participation in programs and activities, have made significant contribution to the Connecticut College community. This award was established by Cassandra Goss Simonds '55. Cassandra served in a wide range of positions as a student and as an alumna, including as class president and as president of the Alumni Association Board of Directors.

The Alumni Tribute Award
The Alumni Tribute Award, established in 1986, honors an alumna or alumnus who has given sustained and extraordinary service to the College. Service must be in keeping with the purposes and spirit of the Alumni Association, but it doesn't have to be given through the Association. Nominees cannot be currently employed by the College of members of the Association's Board of Directors. Nominees must be approved by the Board. The award is presented annually to a member of a Reunion class during the Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association.

The Unity Award
The Unity Award is awarded every four years at Celebrations Reunions and recognizes individuals who have gone above and beyond in their contributions towards promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) in their personal and professional lives.
Nominator Information

Nominee Information

Alumni Award Category

Please contact the Office of Alumni and Parent Engagement with any questions that you may have at 
(860) 439 - 2300 or